What You Must Know About Infertility Treatments in San Antonio TX

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Health

You may have married, then delayed having children for personal reasons. You may have decided to have a child, but after months of repeated attempts, you remain child free. If every home remedy suggested by friends, relatives and self help books has failed, you may need medical intervention. Your family doctor may suggest you explore infertility treatments in San Antonio TX, at one of 33 infertility clinics in the city.

Accepting your need for help can trigger self doubt and you may feel inadequate. Infertility specialist understand your financial, religious, social and ethical needs, concerns while preserving your dignity. After physical exams and lab tests are completed, your fertility doctor will explain appropriate treatments.

During medicine’s earliest years, most childbirth issues were attributed to women, including the baby’s gender. Medical research revealed that males not only help determine their baby’s gender, but they can also have fertility problems. Instead of focusing only the woman, modern infertility specialists may also test for conditions effecting the potential father. However, most infertility treatments still focus on conditions effecting potential mothers.

Infertility treatments can include:

Ovulation induction: Your doctor may inject you with Clomiphene, gonadotropins or Letrozole to make your body generate more eggs. Dietary supplements: CoQ10 is naturally produce by the body but decreases with age. You do not need a prescription to buy it. DHEA is a natural steroid produced by the adrenal glands. It helps balance your other hormones, making conception more likely.

Third party reproduction services: You might consider hiring a woman to carry the pregnancy or you might choose donated eggs for in vitro fertilization.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome: If you have always irregular menstrual periods and problems with facial hair, you may have PCOS. Your infertility doctor may suggest dietary changes to make pregnancy more likely. Infertility treatments also help Lesbian and Gay couples have children of their own through surrogacy in vitro fertilization or donated ova and/or sperm.

If heterosexual couples decide to end their infertility treatments, but still want children, many infertility clinics provide access to adoption services. Like many medical practices, infertility clinics often have websites where you can explore options and make appointments. If financing is an issue your clinic’s website may also provide loan applications. Doctors offering infertility treatments in San Antonio, TX are devoted to helping you build your own family. Click here when you are ready to make an appointment.


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