Increase Chances of Conception with Infertility Acupuncture in Seattle

by | May 3, 2019 | Healthcare

Women struggling with becoming pregnant can feel overwhelmed and often seek treatment multiple times looking for a solution. Some try fertility drugs, home remedies and surgeries trying to get pregnant. There are also alternatives such as vitro fertilization and donor eggs. These can be expensive. Infertility acupuncture in Seattle can be a holistic alternative that is effective and affordable.

How Acupuncture Helps Increase Chances

Using infertility acupuncture in Seattle can help by reducing stress, balancing the endocrine system, and increasing circulation to the reproductive organs. The goal is to not only get pregnant but stay pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. Increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries can increase the chance the egg has to be nourished and carried full term.

What is Infertility Acupuncture in Seattle?

Chinese medicine and treatments have been used for years. The process is simple and consists of a practitioner gently inserting needles into strategic points in the body. This process connects 14 major pathways in the body. These pathways or meridians conduct energy called Qi. The treatment helps reestablish these pathways to restore a normal, healthy flow of energy so the couple’s chance of conceiving is improved. There have been a number of studies sowing that acoupuncture can be very effective in iincreasing fertility and reducing the risk of a miscarriage.

How Does it Work?

One of the primary ways infertility acupuncture in Seattle increases fertility is by reducing stress. When the body, both male and female, is under stress, the brain releases the hormone cortisol. This changes the neurochemical balance in the brain and hormone levels disrupting the pituitary balance which is needed for the reproductive cycle. Acupuncture can help restore the right balance and increase the chances of conceiving. Acupuncture also helps with hormonal balance, supporting the uterus, and reducing miscarriages.

Learn more about infertility acupuncture in Seattle and how it can help improve your chances of conceiving by visiting the website.

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