Useful Information on Supplements

by | Jul 23, 2012 | Healthcare

Supplements are products meant to be taken orally. They are in form of liquid, tablet, powder, and capsule. Most people confuse them with drugs or medicine. You should not get confused; a supplement is a food item. It is meant to fill the gap left by our poor eating habits.

There are many food products in the market whose ingredients consist of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Their production is regulated by medical authorities in their countries of origin as well as the World Health Organization. However, you need to exercise caution. Not all supplements Palm Springs products are genuine.

To assist you distinguish between them, here are classifications of supplements.

*     Herbs: These are products whose ingredients are extracted from seeds, flowers, stems, leaves, or roots of plants that grow naturally. The product may combine several ingredients from different plants. It may also have one plant as the ingredient. Extracts from herbs help in controlling diseases, maintaining hormonal balance, and managing cholesterol levels. Before taking them, you need to seek the guidance and direction of a health expert.

*     Vitamins: Supplements in this class contain vitamins that your body requires in order to function properly. Some help clean up the body of harmful toxins and radicals. Others give your body vitamins that it does not manufacture such as vitamin D and K. Under ideal dietary conditions, you are supposed to obtain all nutrients and vitamins from diet. Unfortunately, you eat so much of processed food where such components are lost during the manufacturing process.

*     Minerals: Supplements Palm Springs products contain essential minerals, which your body needs. A human body contains about sixty minerals out of which 22 are the only ones needed. Such minerals include sulfur, chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Our bodies need them especially in large quantities. Close to 250g of the minerals mentioned are needed by your body on a daily basis. There is another group known as trace minerals. These include chromium, zinc, iron, manganese, fluoride, iodine, and copper. The recommended daily intake is 20 mg.

     *     Supplements should be taken by people with nutrient or vitamin deficiency. Note that, you should not use them to replace the food you eat. As the name suggests, they are only meant to supplement your diet. Their usage cuts across age ranging from children, middle aged, and old people.

*     Before buying a supplement or using one, there are a few things you should bear in mind. Obtain sufficient information about their composition. Stick to the recommended portion. The products are usually a bit expensive; if you come across some that are being sold cheaply, avoid them. Seek the guidance of a nutritionist or your personal doctor for recommendation of the supplement that best suits you.




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