Treatments for women with thinning hair

by | Mar 6, 2019 | Health

Losing your crowning glory is one confidence buster, especially for women! At the first sign of this threat would make you run for the nearest pharmacy or hair growth treatment facility. Knowing your options for thinning hair treatment is a step closer to getting those beautiful tresses back.

Hormone therapy

If you believe that the thinning is starting to get serious, it is a good idea to visit your doctor or consult the experts. Some women are genetically predisposed to hair thinning. Hormones can suppress or delay such thinning. For some, the situation becomes more prominent during menopause. Hormone therapy can lessen the loss.

Blood work

Ferritin and Vitamin D can be detected through your blood. Ferritin in the serum is where iron is stored. Low-level of the two components will lead to hair loss. Sometimes, treating hair loss is as simple as increasing your iron and Vitamin D intake.

Cortisone shots

Cortisone is injected directly to the scalp to inhibit the activity that leads to thinning of hair. This procedure is painful, but it is helpful. This procedure works well with client’s that are affected by Inflammatory scalp disease.

Lifestyle change

People underestimate the effect of each person’s lifestyle to their health. Making changes to your lifestyle can help minimize the loss. One of the most straightforward fixes you can do is to air-dry your hair. Some causes of hair breakage and damage are using blow dryers and iron, especially if your hair has undergone hair color treatment. Another lifestyle change is de-stressing. Being able to relax and breathe helps you calm down. Both Chronic and sudden stressful events can halt the growth of hair. Meditation is an excellent practice to help one calm down.

Whether it be due to stress, or genetics, it is agreeable that thinning hair is never attractive. Seek help. Never be afraid to consult the right people and company. Ask for other Thinning hair treatment for women in Wellesley MA. Check Meditresse for more information.

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