Securing Accounts for Your Medical Office So That Payments Can Be Received

by | Sep 23, 2019 | Healthcare

While working in the billing department of your medical office might not be the most thrilling adventure, it’s an essential job to do as it keeps the revenue flowing. When you’re completing paperwork and trying to file the proper codes or bill the correct patients for specific services provided, you need to try to stay as organized as possible. Here are a few tips that can help improve your medical coding and billing practices to achieve the best results.

Make Contact

Before a patient arrives at the office for an appointment, contact the insurance company or the other responsible party to ensure that payment will be made. If the patient has insurance, you need to verify deductibles and co-payments. You also need to make sure the patient’s coverage is current. In addition, you need to ensure any government health coverage is current. Some patients might not know if their benefits have expired, especially if they don’t do a review or if they don’t submit proper paperwork on time.

Complete Work Quickly

Instead of waiting a few days to complete the coding and billing portion of the paperwork that you have, you need to go ahead and apply these details either while the patient is still in the office or soon after the patient leaves. This will keep you from forgetting to complete the paperwork and will ensure that any claims are submitted on time so that the office can be reimbursed in a short time.

Received Information

Pay attention to the accounts that don’t seem to have any action at all on them during the medical coding and billing process. Sometimes, these are accounts that have been submitted to a collection agency or accounts that have been sent to a patient who is considered a self-pay without any kind of payment being received. Consult with all parties to make sure the billing information is correct before sending another request for payment.

Contact GeBBS Healthcare Solutions for more information about submitting claims and receiving payments.

GeBBS Healthcare Solutions has been at the forefront of innovation in the offshore RCM, with technologies such as Intelligent Accounts Receivable (iAR) – an automated workflow solution designed to work with existing billing processes, offering advanced reporting, analytics, and sophisticated workflow processes.

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