Liposuction in CT Will Help You Get Rid Of The Excess Fat

by | Jun 10, 2014 | Health

If you have been trying unsuccessfully to lose fat in areas like your stomach, legs, arms, back or thighs, you may be a good candidate for liposuction. Many people believe that liposuction is used for weight loss, however, it is not a weight loss method. This treatment is used when weight loss has not worked on certain portions of your body. There are three different methods that are used for liposuction. Martin Cosmetic Surgery will discuss the procedures with you and will determine which Liposuction in CT is best for you.

Tumescent liposuction

When undergoing tumescent liposuction the doctor will numb the area where the suction tube will be inserted. The doctor will then numb the fatty tissue that will be suctioned out. This will ensure that you do not feel the vacuum process. Lidocaine and epinephrine are the anesthetics that will be used to numb the fatty tissue.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound to turn the fat deposits into a liquid for easier removal. If you have fat deposits in your arms, legs or back, this procedure will be beneficial in removing those deposits.

Laser-assisted liposuction

This technique is similar to ultrasound-assisted liposuction in that the fat is liquefied prior to being suctioned out. This technique can also be used on areas such as the arms, legs, sides and back. Once the fat is liquefied, the tube or cannula will be inserted into small incisions in the skin to begin suction.

Once the procedure has been completed, your body will be wrapped in compression bandages to prevent swelling. The bandages will aid in the healing process. You will need to wear the bandages for several weeks. You will probably be sore so your plastic surgeon at Martin Cosmetic Surgery will provide you with pain medication. You will also be given antibiotics to prevent infections. You should expect some swelling and bruising. In fact, it might take several days for the bruising to disappear.

Liposuction in CT is an effective way to rid your body of the excess fat you have been trying to get rid of. When you have decided that liposuction is right for you, be sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.

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