The older you age, the more prone you become to developing vision problems such as astigmatism, presbyopia, myopia, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Individuals who suffer from these conditions not only experience irritation of the eyes, but they are also at risk for potential blindness.
In order to remedy this problem, many are turning to a laser procedure known as LASIK. As one of the leading refractive eye surgeries as of yet, it is a procedure that you may want to consider if you are looking to correct any eye conditions that you may be suffering from. Since choice is certainly patient specific, you should discuss with your eye doctor whether LASIK eye surgery in Grand Rapids is right for you.
LASIK eye surgery in Grand Rapids is a prominent choice among many individuals who are suffering from vision problems for a number of reasons. Most important, LASIK is able to address a range of visual problems, improving the likelihood that you can address two conditions or more during your LASIK surgery.
Another reason that LASIK is extremely popular among individuals considering surgery is that the rate of success is relatively high compared to other options. Currently, the American Academy of Ophthalmology indicates that nine out of ten patients who undergo the surgery are able to attain vision anywhere between 20/20 and 20/40.
The Right Candidate
Since LASIK eye surgery in Grand Rapids is a procedure that is performed to an extremely delicate part of the eye and since there are risks involved, LASIK eye surgery isn’t for everyone.
Ideal candidates are eighteen years or older, not pregnant, have good general health and positive eye health. In addition to these considerations, it is also important to not take certain prescription drugs and to not have a history of dry eye. You also should note that for those who are age forty or older, the benefits of LASIK may not be as great compared to younger candidates.
Healing Time
One of the main advantages of LASIK, aside from the high success rate, is that the healing time is relatively fast. While you may be able to resume work and other obligations within a day or two, it is still best to rest after surgery and take the time you need to fully recover. You should also avoid strenuous activities and visit your doctor to monitor your progress.