At first, you may think that “high-performance coaching” is only for professionals and experts in their field, somewhat “high performers” who have already achieved a lot. But, on the contrary, performance coaching is for people who have talents (and almost all of us are talented in some fields), but for whatever reason can’t reach their full potential. Here is where coaching for performance in Seattle area can become a real lifesaver.
About the high-performance coaching
In general, high-performance coaching is all about helping different people with one important goal: unlocking their full potential in any areas of their life. A performance coaching looks like a profound set of conversations with a professional that are designed specifically to improve someone’s performance. This process includes:
*a constant search of new ideas and possibilities
*asking questions that can cause new possible actions and thoughts
*generating endless possibilities
*сreating a friendly and supportive relationship with a coach etc.
Why would you use a coach?
People often start this new challenge with a question: “Is coaching right for me and do I really need a high-performance coach?” It is important to remember that coaching is all about new possibilities and fresh ideas. You already read this, so you are obviously interested in self-improvement and feel that some changes in your life need to be made. Do you dream about accomplishing something more? Coaching for performance in Seattle is created to help you with overcoming challenges in your life and making a difference.
Impact of the high-performance coaching
Let’s introduce some figures that will show the general results of coaching. A sample group of faculty and staff who were coached and then interviewed in 2005 said that a performance coaching helped them with:
*completing their project (28% told their project was completed 150% sooner and 23% felt their project was completed 100% sooner);
*improving confidence in achieving results (of the total group 66% felt that their confidence greatly increased);
*discovering new and unexpected possibilities (of those responding more than 90% of people said that they discovered possibilities beyond those that they first saw for themselves).
Note: Before your first coaching session, try to decide what issues would you most value the coach’s support with, what outcomes do you want and what do you want to avoid. Ask the coach all the questions about your future work and be sure that both parties have clear expectations and agreements on how the process will look like.
Know more about coaching for performance in seattle