BLS Classes Can Help You Recognize Life Threatening Situations

by | Sep 8, 2014 | Health

Have you ever been in a situation where someone fainted, started choking, or seemed to be suffering from some type of life-threatening symptom? The recognition of symptoms that could lead to a life-threatening situation is just as important as knowing how to react. BLS classes in NJ teach both individuals and healthcare providers how to recognize symptoms that could lead to a life-threating situation such as a heart attack or stroke. It’s early recognition of symptoms that can increase the chance of a good outcome should someone suffer from a life-threatening condition.

Signs and Symptoms Differ By Person

Just like certain illnesses affect people differently, the signs and symptoms of a life-threatening situation can differ from person to person. In choking situations, some people cough or begin grabbing at their throat or flailing their arms. Others will become so nervous that they don’t react in a noticeable way, even though they are choking and can’t breathe. People about to suffer a heart attack may grab their chest and complain of pain, while others may simply try to take deep breaths or suddenly feel warm when the temperature isn’t warm. BLS classes in NJ will provide information on common signs to watch for to determine if someone needs emergency help. Having this training allows you to ask the right questions if you notice someone seems to be struggling, and you will know how to react in the event of an emergency.

Classes for Healthcare Professionals and Individuals

It’s important for both individuals and healthcare professionals to take BLS classes in NJ for certification. Healthcare professionals will use the training provided to determine if patients are suffering symptoms that define typical life threatening situations. This works well in a medical facility but also helps during car crashes, accidents related to swimming, and when around family or friends who may suddenly exhibit signs of a health emergency.

Individuals who undergo this training will be prepared for almost any type of health emergency. It’s the perfect training for individuals who work with children or elderly people, since this population has the highest risk of exhibiting signs and symptoms of life-threatening emergencies. For more information, visit us.

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