How Your Immune System Affects Herpes Outbreaks

by | Nov 21, 2013 | Health And Fitness

resolveherpesThe herpes simplex virus affects a large percentage of the population. The most common form of herpes simplex is the virus that causes cold sores to appear on the mouth. A less common form, although still quite prevalent, is genital herpes. Both types have similar symptoms, which are redness, itching, burning, blistering, and sore like lesions. When someone contracts the virus, the first thing they often want is a herpes cure. Most doctors will tell you that there is no cure for herpes. Once it’s in your system, you have it for life.

You can go years without an outbreak and then suddenly have a cluster outbreak where you experience multiple sores at one time or within a few days or weeks of each other. However, if you work on building your immune system, you can try to flush the virus from your system and help your body fight outbreaks without the need for medications or creams. In a sense, a strong immune system is a type of herpes cure.

Why Your Immune System Is Important

Your immune system is centered largely in your stomach. When your stomach is unhealthy is when viruses and bacteria can begin to take over the body and cause all sorts of illnesses. That’s why proper diet and nutrition are important to staying healthy. When you have a weak immune system, it’s easier for viruses and bacteria to infect your body with different illnesses. When you’re looking for a herpes cure, nutrition is important. Having the proper minerals and nutrients flowing through your body can help your immune system to get stronger and start to attack all of the foreign cells and other things that don’t belong there. Without a strong immune system, you give permission for viruses and bacteria to invade your system.

Building Your Immune System to Prevent Herpes Outbreaks

It’s never fun to have a herpes outbreak. The sores are painful, and sometimes noticeable, and can take weeks to heal. By building your immune system with minerals, detoxes, and supplements, you can help your body start to fight the virus. If your immune system is working correctly and strong, it will naturally suppress the herpes simplex virus from running rampant and causing an outbreak. While there are medications that help suppress the virus, they aren’t a herpes cure and they don’t help to build your immune system. If you want relief from this virus, you need to consider a detox that helps your immune system to grow in strength.

To find out more about a natural herpes cure, visit

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